Tips om fremtidens rørdele?

Rør foretrækker TRUMPF! Kom med på en rejse til en verden af rør. Rør bevæger sig, møblerer, giver vinger, begejstrer, giver muligheder, former, mobiliserer og spirer.

For the ultimate downhill blast, ride to the top of Hickory Mountain Loop, take a minute to catch your breath and prepare to smile all the way to the parking lot, barely needing to pedal. Very loose and dry. You can find everyone out here having fun from people in body armor and downhill bikes to families testing their kids limits to xc racer types riding intervals. Riders need to be at a decent skill level to attempt this trail. The area can be accessed from the end of Densmore's Lane, the end of Old Petty Harbour Road and from Huntingdale Drive. Logs are gone! Rowdy little downhill/freeride track. Out of the parking lot, take your first left. Tree down near southern trail head. It is not hard to get to and is very fun to ride.

Downhill in the mountains

After a very quick downhill out of the gate, the route climbs up through big forest. Dirt was pretty good, not too mushy yet, but the leaves on the trail are wet and very slick, a few corners were like riding on ice. Few sections rutted out but great experience for my first ride there! A long, long, did I mention long? Fire road that circles Mauna Kea. Blast down Ridgeline all the way to Lake Imaging Road. The trail has good flow with some spicy sections. The trail starts with a test- a skinny with a 2 ft. Very loose and dry. Fun! Very loose and dry.

Gnarly trail. This trail can be sandy during dry summer months and is best after rain, in the spring or fall. Butcher Ranch is the main trail for the classic Downieville Downhill. There are actually three trails which make up the loop: Horse Creek-Cattle Creek-Lower Twin Lake. Lots of Flow! The trail has good flow with some spicy sections. Fast, fun descent. The route begins at the end of Quid Pro Flow and an intersection with Three Thirty Eight. This route is worth riding MANY times. Some of the densely covered trails are damp, but still rideable.

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